In April, the debt stock payable in pesos increased by 11.8% with respect to March, whereas that payable in foreign currency decreased by USD2.253 billion, largely as a result of the amortization of obligations with the IMF.

  • In April, the debt stock payable in pesos amounted to ARS136.021,294 billion.
  • The debt payable in foreign currency amounted to USD256.473 billion.
  • Of note was the payment to the IMF for USD1.927 billion under the stand-by arrangement in force.
  • Estimated debt servicing for the May-September term totals ARS22,256.249 billion in domestic currency and USD14.11 billion in foreign currency.
  • During the month of April, the Treasury did not record any net financing from Central Bank Temporary Advances.
  • Of the authorization to issue debt provided for in Section 37 of the Budget Law, the Executive Branch used 48% of the legal ceiling up to April 2024.
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