Report on the 2019 National Budget Bill

Report on the 2019 National Budget Bill

National government resources as estimated in the 2019 Budget Bill amount to AR$3.42 trillion (18.6% of GDP), an increase of 42.9% in nominal terms with respect to 2018.

Total spending is projected at AR$4.02 trillion (21.9% of GDP), with an increase of 27.4% with respect to the closing projection made for 2018. On the other hand, Primary Spending is estimated at AR$3.43 trillion for 2019, equivalent to 18.6% of GDP.

Analysis of 2018 Budget Amendments

Analysis of 2018 Budget Amendments

The Budget Law passed by the National Congress is amended during the year in accordance with the delegation of powers arising from the regulations in force. Within this framework, it is important to analyze such amendments to provide updated data on the budgetary dynamics throughout the fiscal year.

To this end, these periodic reports focus on the analysis of budgetary amendments made by Administrative Decisions of the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers (JGM) or by Necessity and Urgency Decrees (DNU).



The purpose of this paper is to summarize the main aspects of the 2017 National Government Financial Report, both in its financial and physical dimensions, for the sole purpose of contributing to its dissemination and facilitating its understanding.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 95 of Law No. 24,156, the Executive Branch submitted the 2017 Financial Report to the National Congress, before June 30.

In 2017, the negative economic outturn of AR$431.53 billion was 60.2% higher than budgeted, reflecting an increase of 42.7% with respect to 2016. The Primary Balance deficit was AR$301.35 billion, 28.7% above the initial budget and with a growth of 71.8% compared to 2016. Finally, the Financial Balance showed an imbalance of AR$616.59 billion, 28.2% higher than budgeted and expanding by 30.7% with respect to the financial deficit of the previous year.

Fiscal Cost of Bill CD14/18 – Minority Report. Tariff Emergency for Utilities

Fiscal Cost of Bill CD14/18 – Minority Report. Tariff Emergency for Utilities

This working paper is prepared in response to the request made on May 24 by the Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee of the Senate to assess the fiscal and budgetary impact of the provisions contained in the minority report from the joint meeting of Committees on Rights and Guarantees; Mining, Energy and Fuels; and Budget and Finance, that reviewed Bill CD14/18 on utility tariffs.

Fiscal Cost of Bill CD14/18. Tariff Emergency for Utilities

Fiscal Cost of Bill CD14/18. Tariff Emergency for Utilities

This document has been prepared in response to the request made on May 11 by the Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee of the Senate, to evaluate the fiscal and budgetary impact of the amendments included in the Tariff Emergency Bill, which has been approved by the Chamber of Deputies.

To date, the access protocols to information systems under the scope of the Executive Branch have not been implemented.

Although the request falls within the functions and responsibilities of the OPC, it is not possible to respond with the formalities to which it intends to proceed in the future, until the Office’s setup is completed.

Fiscal Cost of Chamber of Deputies’ Report on Tariff Emergency Bill

Fiscal Cost of Chamber of Deputies’ Report on Tariff Emergency Bill

Through this preliminary working document, the Argentine Congressional Budget Office (OPC) responds to the request made by the Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee of the Chamber of Deputies on April 25 to evaluate the fiscal and budgetary impact of the changes on the tariffs and taxes levied on public utilities included in the Tariff Emergency Bill with the joint report of the Public Works, Consumer Defense, and User and Competition Committees.

There are no estimates of variations in the revenues and expenditures of the National Government Budget for the fiscal year 2018, which could derive from economic policy measures or unforeseen economic situations.

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