María Laura Cafarelli graduated as a Public Accountant from the University of Buenos Aires and holds a master’s degree in Administration and Public Policy from the University of San Andrés.

From 2001 to 2017 she worked as a specialized professional analyst at the National Directorate of Public Sector Employment and Wages of the Secretariat of Finance of the Ministry of Economy of the Nation. Afterwards, he held the position of professional expert in public management at the National Directorate of Information Management and Wage Policy of the Secretariat of Government Employment. Since 2018, he works at the Argentine Congressional Budget Office (OPC) as a budget analyst in the Directorate of Budget Analysis.

She has conducted consultancies and training activities on budget and public financial management in academic environments and non-profit organizations.


María Eugenia Carrasco Lucas holds a degree in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). She has a specialization in Capital Markets from the UBA and Bolsas y Mercados Argentinos (BYMA). She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Finance at the Universidad del Centro de Estudios Macroeconómicos de Argentina (UCEMA).

From 2010 to 2019 she worked as an analyst specialized in public debt and coordinator of debt statistics at the Secretariat of Finance of the Ministry of Economy of the Nation. From 2019 she is part of the body of analysts of the OPC at the Directorate of Sustainability and Public Debt Analysis.

Additionally, she has participated in training activities on public financial administration and public debt in the public and private sectors.


Degree in Economics (UBA).

Tax fiscal analyst at the Ministry of Economy (2003-2019) and at the Argentine Congressional Budget Office (OPC) (2019-present).

Teacher and researcher at Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE).


Romina Muras has a degree in Economics, graduated with honors from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). She has a specialization in Financial Administration and Control of the National Public Sector from the Secretariat of Treasury of the Nation.

She was Coordinator of Social Sectors Analysis at the Undersecretariat of Budgetary Evaluation of the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers. In the public sector, she also worked as an advisor in different fields of the Office of the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Social Development and the Argentine Congressional Budget Office (OPC).

In the private sector, she worked as senior budget analyst at the Argentine Association of Budget and Public Financial Administration (ASAP) for more than ten years.


Julieta Olivieri graduated with honors as a Public Accountant from the University of Buenos Aires and holds a master’s degree in Public Administration from the School of Economics of the University of Buenos Aires.

She worked as a budget analyst at the National Budget Office of the Secretariat of Treasury of the Nation. She also worked as legislative advisor for the Budget and Finance Committee, both at the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.

She has conducted consulting and training activities on budget and public financial administration in different institutions such as the Argentine Budget Association (ASAP) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).


Pedro Ignacio Velasco holds a degree in Economics and a master’s degree in Public Finance from the National University of La Plata (UNLP). Since 1995, he has been teaching and conducting research in Public Finance and Taxation at the University of Buenos Aires (IIEP-UBA-Conicet), the National University of La Plata (Laboratory of Sectorial and Territorial Development – UNLP) and the National University of Comahue (master’s degree in Taxation).

He developed professionally at the national level between the years 2002-2011, working at the Undersecretariat of Public Revenues (of the Ministry of Economy of the Nation) and the Institute of Tax, Customs and Social Security Resources Studies (IETARESS- AFIP); and at the provincial level as Director of Tax Planning and Director of Tax Policy between the years 2011-2015.

Since 2019 he has served as an analyst at the Directorate of Fiscal Tax Analysis of the OPC, appointed by competition in 2023.

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