- In December, government securities were placed for a total amount equivalent to USD1.369 billion. Two market auctions were held, resulting in the placement of different instruments for ARS484.051 billion.
- During 2021, the Treasury conducted 33 auctions, through which different instruments were placed for a total of ARS4.80 trillion and an average term of 323 days.
- During the year, there were gross debt issuances (placements of securities, loan disbursements, capitalizations) for USD95.488 billion and capital repayments for USD71.453 billion.
- Nearly two thirds of the gross issuances of the year were made with authorizations included in the Budget Law 27,591 of 2021: 18% were placements of securities maturing in 2021 and 48% were issuances of instruments maturing after 2021. Another 24% of the total were Temporary Advances from the BCRA (Central Bank of the Argentine Republic).
- Including transfers of profits, which do not constitute debt, BCRA’s net assistance to the Treasury totaled 4.6% of the estimated GDP for 2021, of which 2% of GDP was explained by the net placement of Temporary Advances.
- Debt maturities for January are estimated to total the equivalent of USD7. 978 billion. The payment of interest on bonds in foreign currency for the equivalent of USD693 million stands out.
10 February, 2022